Business Basics
Get the guidance you need to set your new business up for success.

Business Plans
Gain the skill to create a business plan that accurately projects your sales, expenses, and profits for the next 3 years.
Learn how to:
- Identify and understand your target customers
- Evaluate the products or services you intend to sell
- Develop a business budget
- Calculate and analyze cost of goods sold
- Understand sales margins

Developing Action Plans
A well-defined action plan is the first step necessary to help you achieve your goals.
An action plan outlines:
- What needs to be done
- The resources needed
- The timeframe required
Action plans make it easier to track progress and assign responsibility, making them excellent tools to help you achieve your business goals.

Developing Your Mission and Vision Statements
Learn why Vision and Mission Statements are the two most essential documents crucial to a business’s success.
Without these statements, objectives are stand-alone activities and are not linked to organizational strategy.
It’s never too late to understand the power of vision and mission statements for your business, your employees, and definitely, your customers.
In this training, we show you what an effective mission and vision statement can do and how to make sure you're taking the right steps when developing your own.

Finance for Small Businesses
Understanding small business finance will put your business on the road to success.
In this training, you’ll learn how to:
- Determine the amount of risk you’re willing to take
- Monitor and analyze cash flow
- Read and understand financial statements
As a business owner, you can’t outsource financial responsibility.
Learning how to handle them first-hand allows you to stay on top of your finances and take the necessary measures to overcome challenges and maintain growth.

Importance of Social Media
In today’s world, social media presence is more important than ever.
And as a business owner, it’s crucial to understand the impact of social media on business growth.
Our goal with this training is to help you learn how to:
- Leverage social media to raise brand awareness
- Use social media to connect with your target customers
With the right strategy, social media can give you the ability to reach a wider audience and grow your business quicker and with less resources.
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Business Plans
Gain the skill to create a business plan that accurately projects your sales, expenses, and profits for the next 3 years.
Learn how to:
- Identify and understand your target customers
- Evaluate the products or services you intend to sell
- Develop a business budget
- Calculate and analyze cost of goods sold
- Understand sales margins

Mission & Vision Statements
Learn why Vision and Mission Statements are the two most essential documents crucial to a business’s success.
Without these statements, objectives are stand-alone activities and are not linked to organizational strategy.
It’s never too late to understand the power of vision and mission statements for you business, your employees, and definitely, your customers.
In this training, we show you what an effective mission and vision statement can do and how to make sure you're taking the right steps when developing your own.

Finance for Small Businesses
Understanding small business finance will put your business on the road to success.
In this training, you’ll learn how to:
- Determine the amount of risk you’re willing to take
- Monitor and analyze cash flow
- Read and understand financial statements
As a business owner, you can’t outsource financial responsibility.
Learning how to handle them first-hand allows you to stay on top of your finances and take the necessary measures to overcome challenges and maintain growth.

Importance of Social Media
In today’s world, social media presence is more important than ever.
And as a business owner, it’s crucial to understand the impact of social media on business growth.
Our goal with this training is to help you learn how to:
- Leverage social media to raise brand awareness
- Use social media to connect with your target customers
With the right strategy, social media can give you the ability to reach a wider audience and grow your business quicker and with less resources.

Developing Action Plans
A well-defined action plan is the first step necessary to help you achieve your goals.
An action plan outlines:
- What needs to be done
- The resources needed
- The timeframe required
Action plans make it easier to track progress and assign responsibility, making them excellent tools to help you achieve your business goals.